Tracy Geiser

Tracy has been a passionate environmental and animal activist since she was a teenager. During her 36 year career in the classroom, Tracy focused on increasing students’ knowledge about and responsibilities toward our shared planet and all who inhabit her. Over those same years, she’s rescued, rehabilitated, and loved over 20 dogs, many of them abused, most of the Australian Shepherds, and she’s helped care for at least that many cats. In addition, she has volunteered extensively with rescue shelters, helping to care for dogs, raptors, chickens, rabbits and goats. Today, she brings all she has learned from those animals
and others to her work for and her vision of Sundance Rescue and Recovery.

John Geiser John currently teaches at Western Michigan University. Educating future biologists during the day is his passion. He is an avid gardener and lover of all nature. He currently cares for five adoring chickens and a turtle.

Mission, Vision, Values

Our Mission is to Sustain an Animal’s Hope during Life’s Transitions. Follow the link to learn about our Vision and Values.

Sundance Blog

All of our journeys are stories. Sometimes, our story is exclusively about us; sometimes, our story entwines with others’ stories; and sometimes, we are privileged to be observers to a section from another’s life journey. One of the tremendous blessings that comes from being part of the web that is an animal Sanctuary is the unfolding of all three of these scenarios. In our Blog posts, you’ll find stories about Tracy and John’s personal journeys; stories about their relationships with the animals they care for; and stories that reflect journeys that are the animals alone. Join us on the journey!

Follow this link.