

Echo came to us in the summer of 2022 along with his little sister Tiger. Echo is hard to photograph. He is either off attacking something in the tall grass or sitting in a lap. Neither make getting good photos easy. Want to see more pictures of Echo? Follow this link.


Tiger came to us in the summer of 2022 along with her big brother Echo. Tiger was the runt of the litter, but in her mind she is royalty. And she has the attitude to go with it. Queen of the barnyard and all that she surveys. Want to see more pictures of Tiger? Follow this link.



Gone But Not Forgotten


Dave and his brother Steve joined us in the summer of 2021. Both were feral cats that we adopted to handle the mice on the farm. Sadly Dave did not come home one night in 2022 and he has been missed since. To see Dave’s pictures from his time with us, follow this link.