Offering Sanctuary

Years ago, in response to someone’s thoughtless comment about how I always talk to animals, I wrote this: I would rather err on the side of trying to establish a relationship where none could exist, then miss an opportunity to have a relationship because I thought none could exist.  Person-to-person, person-to-sheep, person-to- hawk ~ when we pay attention, we see that all animals need the same things to survive. When we pay closer attention, we see that all animals feel contentment, joy, loss, and fear. When we listen and watch and offer our time to learn each other’s language, we begin to understand the many ways each species expresses those needs and emotions. When we reach that point in our relationship, we can offer others the freedom to live an authentic existence.  

Authentic existence allows any animal to live without carrying the emotional baggage humans sometimes hang around others’ necks.  There is a huge difference between engaging with animals ~ whether through rescue or purchase ~ to satisfy their needs, and engaging with them to satisfy our needs. Unfortunately, when we engage with them to satisfy our needs, we usually force upon them an existence that we think is theirs, not one that is actually theirs. We forget that a Yorkshire Terrier is still a dog who will assume the role of pack leader if none steps up to lead him, and we forget that cats are hunters who will catch and eat the birds that flock to our birdfeeders.  

Creating a place of sanctuary is ever-evolving, changing as the residents grow and change and leave, their places expanding to welcome new faces. Saying hello, saying goodbye; jumping and lounging in the sun, or walking into arms for a much needed hug. This is our sanctuary. Welcome. Please contact us if you have or know of an animal who needs a safe home. Let us see if we can help.