Keeping Pets & People Together, Forever

One March morning, a few years before we found our farm, I drove up to my Mom’s house and found her lying on her front porch with what turned out to be a femur fractured in three places. Suddenly, her three dogs needed a temporary place to stay, and our living room became their new home. They knew us, loved and trusted us, so the transition for them and for us was gentle. For many, though, it is not a gentle transition, and all too often, the relationship between person and pet is what is torn apart.

Each person-pet relationship has its own path, and each path has its own needs. For some pets, what’s needed is a new forever home, but for others, what’s needed may be as simple as a new way to go outside for bathroom breaks. For other people, bending down to fill water and food bowls may be a new impossibility, so a raised platform is important. Sometimes all a person needs is information or someone to help brainstorm solutions.

If you or someone you know is facing a difficult life transition and would like to talk through possible ways to help an animal that’s affected by the change, please feel free to email Tracy at We can set up a time to talk and see if there’s anything we can do to help.